Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Values, Influences and Peers - a valuable program for students in Grade Six. Constable Hopper joins us each week until the end of May and he is always engaging....including giving students the experience of being handcuffed!

We just can't get enough of this weather...

The grade sixes just love being active, and when we can, we try to get out and play Capture the Flag, or soccer, or even the Rock Challenge, which was to see how many could stay on the rock!

Music Monday, the Talent Show and Art Show!

This has been a week to celebrate the Arts, at West Bayfield. Check out the good stuff below, including a link to coverage in our local paper, the Barrie Examiner! Great job, kids!

Art Show at West Bayfield - May 5 and 6 from 3:30 to 5:30!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

We Are Silent

On April 16, many students at West Bayfield Elementary School took a vow of silence for We Are Silent Day. In order to show support for children around the world who live in places where their voice does not count, we spent the first four class periods of the day in complete silence. Students put away any and all personal technology, placed water bottles on the counter - out of reach, remained seated for the entire 100 minute block(s), and did not pass or receive notes. We hoped to understand a bit better, the unfortunate reality for many children around the world.  It was incredibly eye-opening and moving. We experienced thirst, and how it felt to not be able to grab a drink whenever we wanted. We felt what it is like to be given little or no choice in movement. We experienced what it feels like to not be spoken or listened to.  

At the end of the day, we all realized two things. First, that we have much to be thankful for as Canadian citizens. And second, that change will only happen if we stand up and speak up!

This picture shows students of the Global Action Team presenting Free the Children with a cheque for $10 000! This money was raised by students, families, staff and supporters of West Bayfield Elementary School. What an exciting day!

Here students are thinking and about the 6C's, and trying to show their understanding of these concepts by drawing pictures. The next step will be to take their understanding of the 6 C's, think about their Kids in Action project and decide which of the C's was a focus, or was demonstrated during their inquiry. Finally, they will create a piece which represents a "C" and/in their project. More pictures to come!




Critical Thinking and Problem Solving


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Teaching in 2015

I just love this quote. It is exactly how I feel about education in general, and about the practice of teaching.

And then there is this. Helping to develop caring, contributing, community oriented citizens...isn't this what school and learning is for?

Monday, March 30, 2015

Kids In Action!

Students continue to be very busy working on their Inquiry Projects. Have a look!
Getting creative! These girls have been very busy making and selling a variety of crafty products, with hopes to donate some money to Anaphylaxis Canada. 

Trying to help endangered animals, these girls have been busy creating freehand drawings, taking orders, and selling their artwork to their friends!

Mr. Stevens looks on at a personal note she and her partner (see below picture) received from the Breast Cancer Society. The card was filled with encouragement for the girls, as well as thanks for helping raise awareness for this important cause!

The 'swag bag' of goods - promotional material provided to these two girls, after they contacted the Breast Cancer Society - Toronto Chapter, and shared their passion for helping to raise money for research into curing Breast Cancer. 

In this picture, students are learning how to use Microsoft Publisher. Each student will write and publish an article in the first issue of the Kids in Action magazine. These articles will showcase student's work throughout the inquiry process.

There have been many examples of students collaborating and sharing ideas, like these two. These boys are hoping to make a make a difference for Polar Bears and their shrinking habitat, and for Jumpstart, a program which hopes to provide opportunities for sports to children in spite of family income.

Learning about ALS!

Earth Rangers!

Trying to help endangered animals by making and selling bracelets!

Drafting emails and filling out planning sheets.

These two girls are sharing artsy ideas and supporting each other in their fundraising causes, to support the endangered Pygmy Hippos, and to buy a goat for a family in an African nation.
The animals these boys have made will hopefully help them raise money for an endangered species of Ghecko.
Working on behalf of endangered plant species!
These boys are hoping to raise enough money to make a donation to an organization that works to deactivate and remove abandoned land mines. They need just under $60 to make it! They are making bracelets to sell and babysitting.
Writing an email to the Pregnancy Resource Centre in Barrie to ask about volunteering. These girls visited the centre for a tour, and now hope to do their part to help. Their project began with an inquiry into International Adoption.
Pages of artwork, created to help raise money and awareness for the Children's Wish Foundation. Along with this, they are waiting on a package of promotional materials to arrive from Children's Wish, which they will hand out while collecting donations at the Georgian Mall. 

Preparing an email inquiring about Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto, about tours, school visits and the kids they help.