Thursday, December 4, 2014

THINK before you POST! and other thoughts...

Wow, December already! And while it’s hard to believe, we are already busy preparing ideas for learning in the new year, and we are excited about the projects and opportunities that we have planned for your son/daughter in the new year! Since September, a good deal of time has been spent exposing students to a variety of technology, online tools, apps, and programs that they can use to demonstrate their learning. As well, each student has been given a google account, which allows them to create and store documents and various projects in their own folder. This account is available to them anywhere there is online access. Please ask them to show you their accounts. Each account is connected to the Simcoe County District School Board, and this opportunity is available in all SCDSB schools.

In the new year, students will be involved in some online projects, including class blogging and individual student blogging on KidBlog, Skype/Facetime with other classes and/or experts, as well as possible global collaborative projects. We hope to embark on an inquiry based learning project which will have three components - research, a presentation and an action piece. More information will be coming in January.  

The blogging portion of the reading and writing program, will involve the use of online technology, but this process will be slow - it is our intention to teach and impress on students the importance of internet/online safety, and what a ‘digital footprint’ is.  We will begin with paper blogs, and will imitate the broadness of the online audience in class, long before they will be allowed to post publicly. We will keep you informed at each new stage of our blogging. Last week we spent a good deal of time thinking and discussing this image, and we will be referring to this throughout the blogging process:

For your child’s safety, last names will not be used and pictures will never be matched with names. We believe this will be a great opportunity for students to read and write together, to gain an understanding of audience, and to learn valuable skills for online etiquette. Please call or email either of us anytime with any concerns, questions, or if you feel this is something that you do not want your child to participate in.

Thank you for partnering with us in your child’s education! Looking forward to great things!

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