Our literacy block has been filled with talk about human right's issues. We've had debates, asked hard questions, read inspiring stories and sometimes, gut-wrenching stories, we've written and discussed our opinions, and have been trying to discern the point of view of others.
This has brought us to the first steps we need to take to begin our Inquiry Projects!
Each week we will be designating time to investigate our big questions, a time we will be calling:
Kids in Action! Here's what students will be doing...
1. Each student will pick an issue or cause (locally or globally) that they feel needs more of our attention.
2. They will come up with their big question, which will drive their Inquiry project. Check out our list of what makes a good Inquiry Question. These points are helping us articulate our big questions...
3. Students will decide which area of their topic needs further investigation, and they will research and prepare a written report of their findings. This is where Google comes in handy! Kids who have their own devices will be encouraged to bring them to school for these work periods.
4. They will be developing a presentation, in a style of their choice, in support of their cause.
5. Create an ACTION PLAN! What are students going to DO to make a difference??
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