Monday, March 2, 2015

Kids In Action - Article Expectations

Students have begun to write Informational Articles for their Kids in Action projects. They will be writing about two big ideas:

                                1. research (what they have learned about their big question, spin-off questions)
                                2. the action - description of action that is happening, which supports cause or issue.

Each article will be included in a published book! This means that each student will have a place to share what they have learned and what they feel passionate about. Please refer to the pictures below; they are young activists already in action around the world, and we will be designing our own Kids In Action articles to resemble these! 

Please note that the expectations listed here are the same as what has been sent home, posted in class and  inside each student's KidBlog accounts. As well, expectations have been shared digitally to their google drive. Students are expected to type their article using a Google Doc. Lessons about how to format their documents will be ongoing in class.
Remember, please ask questions - we are here to help! Happy writing!
Article Expectations
  • 250-300 words
  • 12 point font
  • typed into a two-column text box
  • one colour photograph connected to your topic (no colour printing available at school)
  • problem solver/picture block (will be provided)
  • content: researched information
  • content: description of action/about your role
Click on the link below (or copy the link into the url window) for the Success Criteria for the Kids in Action article:

Due Date: Friday, March 13th
Adequate class time will be given, but home support will be necessary for those who do not use class time effectively.

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